Monday, November 8, 2010

TBS Welcomes Conan O'Brien With Open Arms

Who can forget such whimsical, family-friendly characters such as Vomiting Kermit, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, and of course, the Masturbating Bear?

Apparently, NBC can. The network has dropped the flame-haired Cone Zone comedy host known as Conan O’Brien from their nighttime slot, leaving millions of avid fans in dismay for months on end. Jay Leno may be a veteran in the numbers sense, but he never came close to Conan O’Brien and the belly laughs his show has always produced. Leno assumed he has a sense of entitlement large enough to swipe away the coveted nighttime slot from the Conemeister, seemingly only seconds after announcing his retirement. (By the way, whatever happened to that?)

But never fear, Conan is back, on TBS tonight, as just Conan. Take that!

While on The Tonight Show, although Conan O’Brien had us rolling in our seats with his effortlessly choreographed jolly opening show jig led by the Max Weinberg Seven, along with his impromptu audience quips, it seems as though Conando was a bit stifled in his prime time spot. Major networks mean more money, but less creative power.

Now that he’s got a new show that is owned by him on TBS, Conan O’Brien bound to bite back like an unleashed beast. Expect to see more loveable puppets (perhaps a Gigglin’ Jay Leno puppet could feature?), side-splitting jokes, and unexpected laughs at every turn. Conan’s even sporting a new beard, which may or may not make an appearance on the show tonight.

Jay Leno, you can keep your Tonight Show. Conan O’Brien was, is, and always will be, the way to go. The ratings won’t lie, and those opposed would be then forced to “eat their shorts”… so to speak.

1 comment:

  1. His latest commercial with him washing a car/sraying himself is off-the-chart!
